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Номер экзаменаНазвание экзаменаСтоимостьВремя, минЯзык
BE-001WBackup Exec 9.X Specialist$US 155.00110Англ.
BE-100WBackup Exec 10.0 Administration$US 155.00110Англ.
DP-001WDesign and Configuration of Data Protection Solutions for Windows (NBU 4.5)$US 155.00140Англ.
DP-001XDesign and Configuration of Data Protection Solutions for UNIX (NBU 4.5)$US 155.00120Англ.
DP-002WImplementation of Data Protection Solutions for Windows (NBU 4.5)$US 155.00125Англ.
DP-002XImplementation of Data Protection Solutions for UNIX (NBU 4.5)$US 155.00100Англ.
DP-003WData Protection Administration for Windows (NBU 4.5)$US 155.00125Англ.
DP-003XData Protection Administration for UNIX (NBU 4.5)$US 155.00125Англ.
DP-021WDesign of Data Protection Solutions for Windows (NBU 5.0)$US 155.00125Англ.
DP-021XDesign of Data Protection Solutions for UNIX (NBU 5.0)$US 155.00125Англ.
DP-022WImplementation of Data Protection Solutions for Windows (NBU 5.0)$US 155.00110Англ.
DP-022XImplementation of Data Protection Solutions for UNIX (NBU 5.0)$US 155.00125Англ.
DP-023WData Protection Administration for Microsoft Windows (NBU 5.0)$US 155.00140Англ.
DP-023XData Protection Administration for UNIX (NBU 5.0)$US 155.00140Англ.
DP-024WData Protection Troubleshooting for Windows using NetBackup 5.x$US 155.00105Англ.
DP-024XData Protection Troubleshooting for UNIX using NetBackup 5.x$US 155.0085Англ.
DPTS-002WVERITAS Certified NetBackup Support Engineer for Windows$US 155.00110Англ.
DPTS-002XVERITAS Certified NetBackup Support Engineer for UNIX$US 155.00110Англ.
FSE-035VERITAS Foundation Suite 3.5 Exam$US 130.00110Англ.
HA-001WDesign and Configuration of High Availability Solutions for Windows (VCS 2.0)$US 155.00110Англ.
HA-001XDesign and Configuration of High Availability Solutions (VCS 3.5)$US 155.00130Англ.
HA-002WImplementation of High Availability Solutions for Windows (VCS 2.0)$US 155.00110Англ.
HA-002XImplementation of High Availability Solutions for UNIX (VCS 3.5)$US 155.00100Англ.
HA-021WDesign and Customization of High Availability Solutions for Windows (VCS 4.1)$US 155.00110Англ.
HA-021XDesign and Customization of High Availability Solutions for UNIX (VCS 4.0)$US 155.00140Англ.
HA-022WImplementation of High Availability Solutions for Windows (VCS 4.1)$US 155.00110Англ.
HA-022XImplementation of High Availability Solutions for UNIX (VCS 4.0)$US 155.00130Англ.
SF-040XVERITAS Storage Foundation 4.0 Specialist$US 155.00120Англ.

К экзаменам на английском языке добавляется 20-30 минут

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Дата публикации: 28.07.06