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Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Rational Rose (UML)

Description: This course presents the concepts and techniques necessary to effectively capture system requirements using use cases, and then demonstrates how to use those requirements to drive the development of a robust design model. In this intensive, hands-on workshop participants learn to apply the Unified Modeling Language (UML) for fundamental object-oriented analysis and design concepts including use cases, objects, classes, stereotypes and relationships. In addition, participants explore the Rational Objectory Process, an iterative, use case-driven, architecture-centric process for system development. A continuous application development exercise allows participants to apply the analysis and design concepts. The UML is used throughout the lifecycle project to capture and communicate analysis and design decisions.
Audience: This course is intended for practitioners who desire a basic understanding of object-oriented analysis and design concepts, as well as hands-on practical experience applying the techniques. This includes analysts, designers, software developers, and technical managers. No prior experience in object technology is required.
Duration: 5 days

Course objectives and program:

Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:

  1. Capture system requirements using use cases and object-oriented concepts, including classes, objects, attributes, operations, relationships and multiplicity
  2. Improve user-developer communications
  3. Model static and dynamic system behavior
  4. Apply the concepts of abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism in the development of analysis and design models
  5. Understand the different views of a software architecture, as well as some key mechanisms that must be defined in support of that architecture
  6. Define a logical system architecture using packages
  7. Construct packages and components to map logical architecture to physical architecture
  8. Describe some basic design considerations, including the use of patterns and designing for inheritance
  9. Use the UML to represent the use case, analysis and design models
  10. Understand how to apply the analysis and design techniques within an iterative and incremental software development process

Tel/Fax: +7(095) 105-0049
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