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Introduction into Theory and Methodologies of Design, Implementation and Management of Distributed Databases

Description: The scope of this tutorial course is the introduction into the technologies for the information system with the relational distributed databases. This course provides students with practical information and identifies skills needed for system designers, application developers, database and system administrators who are interested in the effective planning, design, installation, and support for a distributed database environment. In addition, this course instructs system analysts and application developers with step-by-step procedures for the design, implementation and management of distributed RDBMS applications.
Duration: 5 days

Course program:

  1. Theory of the relational databases
  2. Theory of the design for the relational databases
  3. SQL
  4. Distributed Database Design Methodologies
  5. CASE-environments for Distributed Databases Design
  6. Methods of the workbench for Distributed Databases

Tel/Fax: +7(095) 105-0049
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