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Курс "OD20697-1 Installing and Configuring Windows 10"

Код: OD20697-1
Специализация: Официальные курсы Microsoft On-Demand (дистанционное обучение)

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This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills required to install and configure Windows 10 desktops and devices in a Windows Server domain corporate environment. These skills include learning how to install and customize Windows 10 operating systems and apps, and configure local and remote network connectivity and storage. Students will also learn how to configure data security, device security, and network security, and maintain, update, and recover Windows 10.

This course is intended for IT professionals who administer and support Windows 10 desktops, devices, users, and associated network and security resources. Students who seek certification in the 70-697 Windows 10 Configuring exam will also benefit from this course. This course is also intended to provide skills for Enterprise Desktop/Device Support Technicians (EDSTs) who provide Tier 2 support to users who run Windows 10 desktops and devices within a Windows domain environment in medium to large enterprise organizations.
Необходимый уровень подготовки:
  • At least two years of experience in the IT field.
  • Knowledge of networking fundamentals, including Transmission Control Protocol /Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP), and Domain Name System (DNS).
  • Knowledge of Microsoft Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) principles and fundamentals of AD DS management.
  • Understanding of Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows Server 2012 fundamentals.
  • Understanding of Microsoft Windows Client essentials; for example, working knowledge of Windows 7, Windows 8 and/or Windows 10.
  • Basic understanding of Windows PowerShell syntax.

Изучив данный курс, Вы будете уметь:

  • Describe the important new features of Windows 10.
  • Install Windows 10.
  • Configure a device running Windows 10.
  • Configure network connectivity for a Windows 10 device.
  • Manage storage in Windows 10.
  • Manage files and printers.
  • Manage apps.
  • Manage data security.
  • Manage device security.
  • Implement Windows 10 features to improve network security.
  • Monitor and update Windows 10 devices.
  • Restore files, roll back drivers, and recover Windows 10 devices.

Программа курса

Module 1. Overview of Windows 10

This module introduces the Windows 10 operating system. It describes the new features in Windows 10, and the important changes since Windows 8.1. It describes the use, navigation, and customization of the new, enhanced user interface. This module also mentions the features of Windows 10 that make it beneficial for organizations of different sizes.

  • Introducing Windows 10
  • Navigating the User Interface
  • Lab: Navigating and Customizing the User Interface

Module 2. Installing Windows 10

This module introduces the different editions of Windows 10, and the differences between them. It describes the requirements and available options for installing Windows 10 on a device. It also provides instructions on installing Windows 10 and upgrading to it. This module discusses points to consider when deciding between an upgrade or migration to Windows 10, and the supported upgrade paths from older versions of the Windows operating system.

  • Installing Windows 10
  • Upgrading to Windows 10
  • Lab: Installing Windows 10

Module 3. Configuring Your Device

This module explains how to configure Windows 10 by using tools such as the Settings app, Control Panel, Windows PowerShell, Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) and Group Policy Objects (GPOs). It describes the different types of user accounts, and the benefits of using a Microsoft account. This module also describes Microsoft OneDrive, and how it integrates with Windows 10.

  • Overview of Tools Used to Configure Windows 10
  • Common Configuration Options
  • Managing User Accounts
  • Using OneDrive
  • Lab 1: Configuring Windows 10
  • Lab 2: Synchronizing Settings with OneDrive

Module 4. Configuring Network Connectivity

This module explains the use of tools such as the Settings app, Network and Sharing Center, and Windows PowerShell to configure network settings. It describes the differences between IPv4 and IPv6 settings, and the benefits of IPv6. It also describes name resolution and provides an overview of the Domain Name System (DNS) service. This module describes the configuration of wireless connectivity in Windows 10, and explains remote access methods available in Windows 10, such as Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), DirectAccess, and Remote Desktop.

  • Configuring IP Network Connectivity
  • Implementing Name Resolution
  • Implementing Wireless Network Connectivity
  • Overview of Remote Access
  • Lab: Configuring Network Connectivity

Module 5. Managing Storage

This module provides an overview of storage options such as hard disks, server-based storage, and virtual hard disks. It describes network storage options such as Network Attached Storage (NAS) and Storage Area Network (SAN), and cloud-based storage options such as OneDrive and Azure Storage. This module describes the management and maintenance of disks, partitions, and volumes. It also describes the Storage Spaces feature, and the process of configuring it.

  • Overview of Storage Options
  • Managing Disks, Partitions, and Volumes
  • Maintaining Disks and Volumes
  • Managing Storage Spaces
  • Lab: Managing Storage

Module 6. Managing Files and Printers

This module provides an overview of the file systems supported by Windows 10. It explains how to configure file permissions, the effect of file permissions, how explicit and inherited permissions work, and how to include user and device claims in access permissions. This module also explains how to share folders, the tools to use for sharing a folder, and the effective permissions when a user tries to access data in a shared folder that is protected by file permissions. The last lesson in the module describes how to add and share a printer, and how to manage client and server side printing.

  • Overview of File Systems
  • Configuring and Managing File Access
  • Configuring and Managing Shared Folders
  • Work Folders
  • Managing Printers
  • Lab 1: Configuring and Managing Permissions and Shares
  • Lab 2: Configuring and Using Work Folders
  • Lab 3: Installing and Managing a Printer

Module 7. Managing Apps in Windows 10

This module describes how to install and configure both desktop apps and Windows Store apps in Windows 10. It explains how to install apps manually and automatically, and how to use Microsoft Systems Center Configuration Manager and Microsoft Intune to deploy apps. It describes the Windows Store, and how to manage access to it. This module also describes the Internet Explorer 11 and Edge browsers, and explains how to configure and manage both.

  • Overview of Providing Apps to Users
  • The Windows Store
  • Web Browsers
  • Lab 1: Installing and Updating Apps from the Windows Store
  • Lab 2: Configuring Windows 10 Web Browsers

Module 8. Managing Data Security

This module explains how the technologies available with Windows 10 work together to protect against data-related security threats. It provides an overview of these threats, and discusses possible mitigations and best practices for dealing with them. It describes defense-in-depth and Encrypting File System (EFS), and their usage in countering security threats. This module also describes how to configure, administer, and monitor BitLocker.

  • Overview of Data-Related Security Threats
  • Securing Data with EFS
  • Implementing and Managing BitLocker
  • Lab: Managing Data Security

Module 9. Managing Device Security

This module explains how to mitigate security threats with the use of Security Compliance Manager, Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit, and security settings in GPOs. It also describes User Account Control (UAC), and how to configure it.

  • Using Security Settings to Mitigate Threats
  • Configuring UAC
  • Lab: Managing Device Security

Module 10. Managing Network Security

This module describes common network-related security threats, and describes options to mitigate them. It describes Windows Firewall, IPsec connection security rules, and Windows Defender, and how to configure these tools to manage network security.

  • Overview of Network-Related Security Threats
  • Windows Firewall
  • Connection Security Rules
  • Windows Defender
  • Lab: Managing Network Security

Module 11. Troubleshooting and Recovery

This module describes device drivers, and how to use the Device Manager to view, configure, update, and roll back device drivers. It explains file recovery methods in Windows 10, such as Backup and Restore, File History, and Previous Versions. This module also explains features such as System Restore, Startup Recovery, and System Image Recovery, and describes how to use restore points to roll back device configuration.

  • Managing Devices and Drivers
  • Recovering Files
  • Recovering Devices
  • Lab: Troubleshooting and Recovery

Module 12. Maintaining Windows 10

This module describes Windows Update, and Windows Update for Business, and how to configure settings for updates. It describes how to use Windows Server Update Services (WSUS), Configuration Manager, or Intune to distribute updates within organizations. This module also explains how to use the Action Center, Event Viewer, and Performance Monitor in Windows 10.

  • Updating Windows
  • Monitoring Windows 10
  • Optimizing Performance
  • Lab: Maintaining Windows 10

Также Вы можете прослушать курс 20697-1 Установка и настройка Windows 10 на русском языке, который проводится Сертифицированными Тренерами Microsoft в современно оборудованных классах нашего Центра

Официальные курсы Microsoft On-Demand (MOC On-Demand) включают в себя видео, текстовые материалы, практические задания и тесты для проверки знаний, позволяющие получить навыки работы с технологиями Microsoft. Каждый участник может выбрать свой график занятий и темп изучения материала, а также учиться, не выходя из дома. Вам не придется тратить время и деньги на дорогу до учебного центра и подстраивать свой график под расписание занятий. Официальные курсы Microsoft On-Demand можно пройти в любое время и в удобном для вас месте: для этого потребуется только компьютер с доступом в Интернет.

Курсы MOC On-Demand включают в себя тщательно подобранные профессиональные учебные материалы, разработанные специалистами Microsoft. После успешного прохождения курсов вы получаете официальные документы, подтверждающие вашу квалификацию и способствующие продвижению вашей карьеры в сфере ИТ.

Курсы MOC On-Demand в настоящее время доступны только на английском языке.

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